Informing the masterplan for Northsowe's Employment Zone
Northstowe is a sustainable new development on the outskirts of Northstowe that, when complete, will have up to 10,000 new homes and will be the largest new town development since Milton Keynes in 1967.
With an anticipated population of 25,000 people, Northstowe will become the second largest town in Cambridgeshire, after St. Neots.
As part of their plans to develop a new exemplar, sustainable Employment Zone, South Cambridgeshire Council used the PlaceBuilder platform to gather feedback aimed at local and international business leaders, from a wide range of sectors. This 6-week consultation will help inform a coherent and comprehensive masterplan by sharing experiences of what they think will make the employment zone a great place to work.
As part of the consultation, businesses interested in locating to Northstowe will be able to declare their interest and be kept up to date by filling out an expression of interest form.
The strategic aims for Northstowe Employment Zone include:
Providing space that can act as an incubator of talent, ideas, and enterprise.
A new net zero sustainable enterprise community.
Provide transitional space that provides amenities for the Employment Zone and this part of Northstowe to support placemaking, activation and vibrancy without detracting or competing with the proposed Northstowe Town Centre.
Targeting quality business space in an integrated, connected, and sustainable environment but not being overly prescriptive on the exact use or types of business that locate within the Employment Zone.
Ensuring that the Employment Zone is realising its potential, can attract investment, occupier interest and development, and that investment can be mobilised quickly.
Creating a legacy at the Employment Zone where interventions and actions can be measured.
To provide a coherent and comprehensive masterplan for the long-term delivery of the Employment Zone.
What's next for Northstowe?
In the second phase of this digital consultation, South Cambridgeshire Council will work with The Future Fox to engage the wider community, asking residents for their views on the development of both the Employment Zone and the future Local Centre provision.